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The LWVYC and OIC are partnering to host Your Vote Counts! at the Henry Beauchamp Community Center, 1211 S 7th St, Yakima on Tuesday, October 24, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. This is one in the series of voter service events organized by the Yakima County Civic Engagement Collective, a coalition of community-action non-profit organizations.

Your Vote Counts! events, also known as ballot walk-throughs, are non-partisan, providing information on how to vote your ballot and not on who or what to vote for. Hosts will share voter guides for the measures and candidates and point voters to additional sources for reliable information. Also covered will be how to complete the ballot and submit it on time to be counted.

Events and activities planned by the Yakima County Civic Engagement Collective and accomplished by members of the participating organizations boost the understanding and engagement of voters, a goal we all share.

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