NO on I-2117 –
A Call to Action for Yakima County and Beyond

By Coleen Anderson

Coleen Anderson, a member of the League of Women Voters of Yakima County, is a retired legal secretary, grandmother of six, and great-grandmother of five. After retirement, she relocated to Yakima to be closer to her family. In 2019, she read The End of Ice by Dahr Jamail, which opened her eyes to the drastic environmental changes affecting the planet. Around the same time, Greta Thunberg’s speeches made her realize her own complicity in the degradation of the Earth. This awakening led her to dedicate her life to understanding and combating climate change. On September 20, 2019, she helped organize a youth-inspired climate march in downtown Yakima, which drew over 100 attendees. Shortly thereafter, she and three others founded 350 Yakima Climate Action, a local group modeled after, co-founded by Bill McKibben.

The League of Women Voters of Washington voted to oppose Initiative 2117 at its May 13, 2024 board meeting. LWVWA recommends voting no on I-2117.

With climate change posing an existential threat to all life on Earth, it is imperative that each of us take action to mitigate its impacts. Washington State is already feeling the effects, including dangerous heat waves, smoke from forest fires, and droughts that threaten our agricultural sector. We have only a small window of time to make a significant difference for future generations, but we must act quickly. One of the most effective ways to do so is through the ballot box.

About I-2117 and the CCA

This November, Washington State Initiative 2117 will appear on the ballot, and it deserves our careful attention. The initiative seeks not only to repeal the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) but also to prohibit the state from creating similar programs in the future. The CCA, signed into law in 2019, establishes a comprehensive, market-based system to reduce carbon pollution and meet the state’s climate goals. To date, the Act has generated approximately $2.5 billion, which is being invested in projects across the state. The CCA is a cornerstone of Washington’s efforts to limit greenhouse gases and build infrastructure that can adapt to our changing climate.

The NO on I-2117 Campaign

The League of Women Voters of Washington (LWVWA) is committed to advocating for informed, effective policies that protect the health, safety, and well-being of our communities. As such, LWVWA has endorsed the “NO on I-2117 Campaign.” The September 17 issue of the LWVWA Newsletter includes important information on this and the other three state initiatives funded by Brian Heywood, a mega-millionaire transplant from California. He is using his wealth to influence Washington’s laws—laws that were carefully crafted by our elected legislators. You can learn more here: Pledge to Vote NO | Vote NO on Initiative 2117 (

False Claims

Proponents of I-2117 falsely claim that repealing the CCA will lead to lower gas prices. The reality is that the initiative offers no guarantee of this. Washington has long had some of the highest gas prices in the country, even before the CCA. In fact, the record high of $5.55 per gallon occurred eight months before
the CCA took effect, yet backers of this initiative continue to blame the Act. The only certainty is that repealing the CCA will allow more pollution and remove critical protections.

Harms to Our Communities

While I-2117 supporters rely on misleading claims, it’s essential to look more closely at the potential consequences. Repealing the CCA would eliminate protections for our air, water, forests, and farmlands, allowing increased pollution. It would endanger the safety of our drinking water, lead to more toxic air pollution, and result in more children and adults suffering from asthma and other illnesses. Additionally, it would shift the financial burden of pollution’s impacts onto communities, workers, and families.

Coalition Over 450 Strong

A broad and diverse coalition of organizations and individuals from across the state has united to oppose I-2117. This coalition, now more than 450 members strong, includes firefighters, small business owners, leading companies, doctors, nurses, labor unions, environmental leaders, Tribal Nations, and local
groups like St. Michael’s Episcopal Mission, Cowiche Canyon Conservancy, and Citizens Climate Lobby. Even bp America, an oil company, is part of this effort.

Risk of Repeal Map

The Clean and Prosperous Institute has developed a Risk of Repeal Map/Tool that shows where CCA funds are being invested across the state. So far, approximately $51 million has gone toward over 15 projects in Yakima County alone, including $3.2 million for the East-West Corridor and $1 million for the
Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program.

The Importance of an Informed Vote

As voters, we have a responsibility to make decisions that support the well-being of our communities.  350 Yakima Climate Action focuses on reducing pollution from fossil fuels and promoting solutions to curtail climate change. That’s why we strongly support the NO on I-2117 Campaign. We urge every voter in Yakima County to carefully consider the implications of I-2117 and to vote against it. By doing so, we affirm our commitment to a strong, responsive local government that serves the best interests of all residents. As the LWVWA stated in its September 17 newsletter: “We cannot go backward; we cannot even delay.”

Please vote NO on I-2117.

To Take Action / Volunteer for the NO on I-2117 Campaign

Contact Coleen Anderson at or 360-731-4555.

Vote No on 2117

Bill Jacobs, Charley Mulvey, Coleen Anderson getting ready to distribute